Monday 9 February 2015

Reader response Draft 1

Emm(2014) states in “ The Perils of Over-sharing in Social Networks” that there are increasing threats regarding sharing information online. This is due to the government and network service providers having access to important information. The author also believes that people are increasingly dependent on the internet. This causes us to reveal too much about about our daily lives and leaves us, and the people we work for, vulnerable to online threats. Emm(2014) also states that the dangers of over-sharing is easily over-looked, as handheld devices ,we frequently use, are not common targets for hackers. Hence, they provide a fake sense of security that could jeopardise our information.

I agree with the author that the internet and social media has become an inseparable part of our lives. Hence we are exposed to more dangers online than ever before.

Firstly, it is evident that there are more people who are using the social media. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, are common terms used today.There are also more and more people who reveal too much about themselves. These people might be unaware that posting such information, which may originally seem like an harmless activity, bring about dangers as mentioned by the author. People might also be unaware of the steps they could take to prevent such dangers. Such action includes adjusting their privacy settings and to event select who get access to their private information. Educating people of such features should be a necessary step taken by social media platforms to reduce the danger of leaking too much information about both the users and the organisation such people are working for.

Secondly, social media and technology are currently accessible to a younger audience. An eight-year old may already own a phone and have access to the internet. Such people might not be mature enough to judge whether their action online are detrimental to their online safety. They may also be uneducated in the fields of cyber-crimes and safety leading to viruses attack or even leak knowledge about the location of their families and themselves. Educating the the future generation should be made a priority in schools, especially when our lives are so closely link to the internet and technology. Learning techniques of keeping themselves save from the dangers of over-sharing will eventually be a habit common in society. This will ultimately deter people from using the internet a vulnerable source of information.

Thirdly, we have become more and more dependent on the internet. Not many people today would feel comfortable if their handheld devices are not within an arm's reach. Our devices has become a tool that contains all of our information such as password and bank account transactions. Losing it would reveal such power information to people with malicious intends.

(457 words)

David Emm(2014, 21 March), The Peril of Over-sharing in Social Networks [Web log post]
Retrieved from :


  1. Good reader response. The main idea of the reader response is clear. we have a clear understanding of the connection between the summary and the reader response. however, there is insufficient evaluation on each point. If the reader response has more example to support each point, it would be better. Language wise, there are minor grammatical mistakes. A few verb/tense inconsistencies.

  2. Hi Teckyi. Overall your reader response is a good read filled with all the supporting ideas and easy transition. However I had noted some mistakes in the article.
    Example - "Such action includes adjusting their privacy settings and to event select who get access to their private information."
    Which should be "Precautionary measures like adjusting their privacy settings and selecting who can get access to their private information."
